Peaceful Surroundings

 photo by  Danny Cary

photo by Danny Cary

                  When I started wood burning, I didn’t know if I would get better. They were the times of experimenting with the amount of heat, the various tips for my burner, the time alone, when I improved with my craft. For 6 years of time, I laid art aside. There isn’t time to love a hobby when you are getting your education. Any extra time spent is used to read texts, collaborate on projects, and internship hours. Once Jordan got into Emory, I realized that I needed to find a hobby. My mom sent me an 8 x 8 inch wooden canvas. I went to the container of art supplies (that had been put away for quite some time) and found my cheap wood burner from the local craft store. I drew a picture and burned the canvas. That was all it took to have people around me encouraging me to try another. With a nicer burner in hand, wood burning became an enjoyable way to spend my time outside of the classroom. 

                  First of all, I had absolutely no experience with using power tools. I say this because the medium that I use requires them. Anyone who knows me also knows that I have never cut a yard or changed my own oil. I guess I perceived those jobs as “blue” jobs instead of “pink” jobs. My hubby gave me the basics of using saws, changing blades, grits for sanding, using a drill and changing out the drill bits. I learn more with each project put in front of me. To give you an accurate picture, I usually use the tools on a balcony and hope that people don’t see me in my pajamas or dress clothes during this process. I am truly a girly girl with a “blue” job hobby.

                  As people started requesting items, I truly had to evaluate what they were looking for. It isn’t about spitting out pieces like a factory. Each piece takes an abundant amount of time and care. Wood burning, I would learn, is not like a painting. It cannot be completed in an hour. It is a delicate process of adjusting the heat of the tip, layer upon layer. It isn’t like using graphite because it cannot be erased easily. This isn’t like a pen because a pen already has a smooth source of paper to write upon. This is an area of art that requires adjusting to how each grain was made by the Creator. 

                 So as I pursue this genre of art that many haven’t dabbled with, I realize that anything I do is basically new to everyone that sees it. Thank you for going on this adventure with me!

Surface Designer & Lead Magnet Marketing Specialist

peachtree Corners, GA