When first beginning any type of trade, you end up hitting a crossroads. In today’s “creative design” world, it begins when you create a mood board. This mood board involves creating a color pallet that speaks to you along side shapes, patterns and pictures that are similar to that color pallet. This mood board is what you always come back to when you are forgetting what direction your business is going toward in marketing. This becomes your style and is followed by a logo that defines your brand to your customers. I can’t say that I have ever created a “mood board” but I understand the concept and why businesses are drawn to this artsy side of branding.
As most of you know, I have been starting this business as an artist. My logo will grow with me and be able to umbrella any creative outlet I choose to embrace in the future. I have done the research on how to create a beautiful site in order to show what I have and could do for others in regards to wood burning. Even with this, I have chosen to reach out to other creatives because I like advice and suggestions to improve.
Recently, I asked other creatives to view my site and constructively critique it as a customer. They were gracious enough to show me their sites and offer their opinions. I truly appreciate them taking the time to check it out. At the very bottom of my website, I added Scripture. I could’ve chosen my favorite quote about art and creativity. I could’ve left it blank. I could’ve chosen to put my own words onto the page. I could’ve, but didn’t. I chose a discreet way of sharing God’s word.
Once the creatives gave me helpful suggestions, it was brought to my attention that I “may be losing customers” and it might be more beneficial if I chose a quote relative to art. They also said that it might be better to have a non-religious site and a separate religious site. My immediate thought was that I already choose, everyday, to be mindful of what I say and what I type. When you work with children, your goal is to teach them to the best of your ability and respect the parents of those students by not expressing what you believe (especially in a public school setting). As the artist of this business, I want people to see Christ in me. Not only do I have the opportunity to show Jesus’ ability through me, but to repeat the words of God on a website.
I am constantly reminding myself that everything I do, I am doing for God’s glory. If someone sees my site, and chooses to not ask for a wood burned piece because of the Scripture, that is okay. The one giving suggestions had the right heart in wanting to help me grow my business, but why not with Christ included in it’s foundation? What is the point of expressing my art if I am not giving Him the credit?
So, as the ideal creative is supposed to, I go back to my sort of “mood board.” I have the logo, the colors I like, and look that I want. Ultimately I want a business reflecting Jesus. I came to my crossroads; to choose Him or to choose more customers. I choose Him.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me. ”
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